Ah, dear reader, come closer. Well, not too close—we’re here to discuss the potential perils of proximity, not practice it. As a woman of refined and sometimes (okay, often) perverse taste, I’ve cultivated thriving relationships that involve what can only be described as exquisite intimacy. Therefore, I feel qualified to warn you: intimacy with a woman like me is not for the faint-hearted. Or, frankly, the faint-walleted. But let’s not be mistaken. When approached wisely, a long-term relationship with a professional girlfriend can offer a uniquely intoxicating and fulfilling experience—one that indulges your deepest desires while keeping life deliciously uncomplicated.
The Myth: It’s Not You, It’s Everyone
Intimacy at first blush appears enchanting. Like a luxurious hotel suite with mood lighting, it’s seductive, seemingly perfect, and full of promise. With every step inside you discover more notable intricacies that have you saying with conceit, ‘this is the best hotel suite I have ever stayed in’. Enough of the metaphor though: You invested in the professional girlfriend for the highbrow conversations, low-cut blouses and explosive orgasms. Yet, you find yourself staying for the finer details (see: the way I bite my lip when I read a menu, or my post-morning-shag bed hair while I slurp my coffee.) However, just as you become convinced that you found a cheat code to a better version of the dating world, this heavenly set up, like that hotel suite, takes you down a hallway of mirrors reflecting every insecurity you’d rather not address. Yikes! That’s intimacy for you. Once you get past the initial allure, you’ll find it is an intricate web of emotional ties, and heaven forbid, vulnerability.
The good news is, you’re not alone. For anyone, getting intimate sparks self-reflection—it’s the nature of being human. In fact, it is a predominant reason for one’s craving for intimacy. Without wanting to fall down an 18th century philosophical rabbit hole, to know thyself is at least in part through the experience of life spent with others. Though we can experience life alone with validity (if no one hears my moans of pleasure, best believe I still had an orgasm), to eat, laugh, observe, play a dance of wits and play with my gorgeous little tits, allows one to acknowledge themselves as existing in the world.
So, now that we know why you crave regular dates with the same enthralling woman, together you can build a world where your desires are met with finesse, where every encounter is a gorgeously curated event free of lingering anxieties. Intimacy reimagined—luxurious, liberating, and completely bespoke. But how do we avoid the anxieties and insecurities described above? How does one keep themselves emotionally safeguarded while immersing themselves in the companion bubble?
Boundaries: The Art of Seductive Restraint
Turns out there’s a third party in the relationship. Her name is Boundaries, and I encourage you to get intimate with her, too. Much to the disagreement of a few boundaryless characters I have come across, the rules of engagement are not walls that keep us apart; they’re the fine lines that keep our own lives from becoming a chaotic scribble. They preserve the appeal of mystery and the spark of intrigue, and let’s be honest: nothing is sexier than a little restraint—knowing just how far to go and when to hold back. Think of our dear friend Boundaries as the safe word of our connection, ensuring that every step is intentional, consensual, and thrillingly precise (with some wiggle room for spontaneity of course). Or for the sake of yet another metaphor, you can imagine it to be like a silk ribbon: firm yet yielding. Holding you just tight enough to heighten your senses without restricting the pleasure of movement. Boundaries invite us to explore the edge of what’s possible without falling over into disorder.

An Example: The Cling Factor
Clinginess starts small, like an overly affectionate house cat, but before you know it, it’s taken over your favourite chair and your peace of mind. At first it seems charming—someone hanging on your every word, wanting to share every moment. But I think I speak for us both when I say that what we want to avoid, and why we deliberately engage in the world of companionship, is the other party encroaching on areas of our lives that we would like to keep separate. This isn’t to say we cannot get personal; what’s said in our bubble stays in our bubble. I, for one, will not be able to resist jabbering on about details of my doctorate thesis; or the fact that I hold my mother accountable for stumbling into life as Florence—blasting out Alanis Morrisette red wine in hand while she lectured to me that ‘the power is in the vagina’ (God bless my mother). Getting personal and being clingy can be mutually exclusive. How? This is where our third party gets involved.
Being personal is about opening up—sharing those quirky stories about your childhood, the music that defined your teenage years, and the character-defining moment I now call ‘vagina gate’. It’s about giving someone a window into who you are without handing them the entire blueprint of your life. It’s vulnerability and connection, yes, but with intention. Clinginess, on the other hand, often stems from insecurity. It’s when one party leans on the other to fill up parts of themselves (ayo!) not agreed upon, and then the dynamic becomes unbalanced. Suddenly, their neediness starts to impact your schedule, your emotions, and even your sense of freedom. And that’s where the charm wears off and the frustration kicks in.
Texting incessantly when you’re not available; expecting to be in-the-know regarding every aspect of your life; guilting you for needing alone time. In this realm of ours, there’s no need for any of that. Healthy companionship is a dance of closeness and distance. It’s being personal without overstepping, vulnerable without becoming dependent. And it’s recognizing that the beauty of a relationship like this lies in the balance of togetherness and individuality. And the best sex of our lives, of course. So, the next time you or someone you spend time with starts to feel a little too much like that overly affectionate cat, take a step back. Remind yourself—and them—that true connection thrives not in clinging but in allowing each other the space to breathe, to grow, and to be whole on our own terms, only to come back together on our next date with so many exciting things to catch up on.
Concluding Thoughts
Intimacy with a professional girlfriend is a deliberate escape from the weight of entanglements. A connection that’s delicious and fulfilling without ever tipping into excess. It’s the freedom to enjoy something extraordinary without the pressure to define it. A rare luxury, wouldn’t you agree? Our time together becomes a series of perfectly framed snapshots—moments that leave you craving the next encounter without the clutter of overexposure. An experience designed to liberate rather than confine. And that, dear reader, is the art of intimacy, reimagined. So, let’s raise a glass to Boundaries, our unsung hero. Because, in the end, it’s not about having it all at once—it’s about having just enough to keep you coming back for more.