
Touch me like you have been waiting for me your entire lifeā€¦

If you’ve made your way here, then you’ve probably reached that point of ‘hell yeah I wanna meet Florence! But what type of date do I want?’ Below you will find an arrangement of options, starting from a stolen moment all the way to worldwide escapes with yours truly.

You will notice that there are no rates on my website, why is that? Well, lover, no date is the same and therefore my time with you is specially curated with bespoke considerations. Therefore, once you have a date idea in mind, please share your vision with me via email or booking form and I will respond with a consideration that fairly reflects it. However, if you are feeling a little stuck but know your budget, then I more than happy to collaborate on creating a date that suits us both perfectly! Finally, if you want some inspiration, head over to my wishes page where I share some of my date and travel desires.

*Please note that I am available for outcall dates, train-me-to-you (TMTY) and fly-me-to-you (FMTY) arrangements. All rates are for my time and companionship only. Anything else that may transpire during our time together is a free choice between two consenting adults.

A Wilde Whirlwind

1 – 4 hours
The perfect arrangement of food, drinks or/and dessert.
Let the conversation flow while I flirt with you mercilessly,
then back to the room to release all that built up sexual tension.

An Unhurried Date

5+ hours
My favourite first date option:
Fancy trying a new restaurant together, explore what the city has to offer,
get sensual in a spa, have an injection of culture at a show or exhibition,
or my personal favourite; listening to Jazz in a darkly lit room.

A Wilde Escape

12+ hours
Perfect for avoiding the dreaded clock-watching: 
An overnight delight, a Wilde weekend or midweek escape,
anything you want, anywhere!
Let us allow for scope to really explore, play, nurture and relax.

Fly Florence to You

4+ hours in Europe, 12+ hours Worldwide
Imagine discovering the world together,
or having me as your best kept secret at an international conference.
Dare I say, sexy jet-setting adventures are my true speciality.
So, what are you waiting for? This Fleur de Force is passport ready. 

Your Wildest Dream

A Perfect Arrangement
Want to take out the pay-per-date admin or/and have me all to yourself?
After all, I am pretty moreish, or so I have been told.
My personal feeling is that an arrangement is the pinnacle of this life,
so do not hesitate to reach out (for those I have shared at least one date with).

Important notes of etiquette to ensure we have the perfect date:

*All extended dates must include an appropriate amount of social time, including sufficient time to eat and a minimum of 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
For dates lasting more than 24 hours, a minimum of 1 hour of self admin time is required.

*All travel must be via business or first class whenever possible, and all travel expenses, food and activities paid for.

*For long haul travel dates, an additional charge for travel time will be incurred.

It was her charm that really did me in. It had me seeing stars and drawn to her sin.

Lavender Haze